Screencast: D7UX Admin Header and Admin Overlay - Walkthrough

This is the start of a screencast series. I am going to follow the D7UX Changes as they go to core or maturing more to get ready for core. What you are looking at when you play the video is a special version of drupal, that you can checkout via SVN from this Google repository: So don't be worried if you see something that breaks or looks pre-alpha: It won't have made its way to core. As pointed out in the video, there is quite some issues to overcome. This is also a call to action, if you are a dev and sympathise with the D7UX project: join the crowd and help pushing this along, so it will be shiny and intuitive. The main Issues this is being worked on are and An overview of all d7ux issues is here:

The entire thing is geared towards the end user that is not too familiar with Drupal. So if you don't like the overlay or Header, you can just turn it off, it are Modules, namely "Adminstration Overlay" and "Toolbar"

Forgive me about flaws in the screencast - this is meant to be quick and done often, so I don't edit it. The name of the Administrative theme, that slipped me is Slate. Also sorry for the not so good sound quality with the shifting volume, will improve.

There will also be real user-testing on the D7UX stuff and other UI Changes that are new in D7, that will be posted to this Vimeo group. Stay tuned!




You should also mention that the new Toolbar in core (heavily) conflicts with Administration menu.

Not nice.  But the reality.